Welcome to Simple living ph

Simplify your life,
amplify your joy..

We understand that modern life can be overwhelming and stressful, which is why we offer practical tips and advice to help you simplify your daily routine, reduce stress, and find joy in the simple things.



Food & Travel


Welcome to
Simple Living PH

We are a family currently residing in the UAE. We decided to pursue our passion for blogging and living a simple, fruitful life.

Through our blog, we share our own experiences and insights on simplifying life, and finding joy in the little things. We believe that living a simple life doesn’t have to be boring or restrictive. In fact, we’ve found that by simplifying our lives and focusing on what truly matters, we’ve been able to discover new passions and experiences that we never thought possible.

Our blog covers a variety of topics related to simple living, including personal finance, minimalism, travel, and more. We hope that our blog will inspire and encourage you to pursue your own dreams of a simpler, more fulfilling life. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Feature Post

Untitled design
Hot season is here: Stay Safe with These Beat-the-Heat Tips!
The summer season may still be three months away,...
Top 10 Super Foods for Healthy Lifestyle
We understand that achieving a healthy lifestyle...
Diet Tips Pinterest Pin
Top 10 Foods for a Strong Immune System
Teal Beige Health & Workout Blog Pinterest Pin
Top 10 Home Gym Essentials
Adjustable Dumbbells Invest in a pair of adjustable...
Exercise Floor Plank Instagram Story
Top 10 Exercises for Weight Loss
Walking Ease into your weight loss journey with...
Beauty tips
Top 10 Simple Living Beauty Tips for a Glowing You!
1 Embrace Natural Skincare Ditch...
Keto Recipe
Delicious and Easy Keto Recipes: Get Your Free Recipe Book Now!
Are you tired of the same old boring meals on...
Simplify and Thrive: How Simplifying Your Life Can Lead to Greater Success and Happiness
“The greatest wealth is to live content...

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